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Day tickets are sold out for Saturday, February 8. Select tickets still available.

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Resort Policies

Prior to visiting or purchasing, familiarize yourself with resort policies below.

Adaptive Ski/SMB Equipment Policy

SMB (Sit-Ski, Mono-Ski, Bi-Ski): Common Adaptive Ski Equipment. Includes (Sit-Ski) structures in which the skier sits with metal edges attached underneath for control and maneuverability, skiing equipment consisting of a body support structure mounted over one ski (Mono-Ski) or two skis (Bi-ski) that articulate when the device leans side-to-side (ref. ANSI/RESNA ASE-1:2016).

Chairlift & Gondola Access

During the ski season, the following adaptive devices are welcome on-mountain: mono-ski, dual-ski, bi-ski, slider, outriggers, tethers and ski tip and tail retention type devices. In the summer, adaptive hand cycles are welcome in the Loon Mountain Bike Park but they must be designed for mountain biking and have a minimum of front suspension and front and rear brakes. Our chairlifts are capable of accommodating a variety of sit-skis, outriggers, and other adaptive ski devices. Adaptive ski equipment is generally not allowed on the White Mountain Express Gondola. However, exceptions can be made with the approval of the VP of Operations and advanced notice of the request by the guest. Guests must be able to safely embark and disembark the lifts independently or with the assistance of an accompanying support person. Use of adaptive ski equipment must follow the criteria below:

  • Equipment used will be designed for and fit for the intended purpose.
  • Attachments, pivots, connections must all be engineered solutions.
  • Chairlift restraint bar must be used while riding any lifts.
  • Rider and adaptive ski equipment must be able to go through lift lines without causing interruptions.
  • Adaptive ski equipment is not recommended to be used in Terrain Parks of any size.
  • Adaptive ski equipment must not be motorized.

Loon Mountain Resort is committed to engaging our guests and families in an interactive process to determine if and how unique accessibility accommodations can be developed, depending on the individual needs of families and guests with disabilities. If you or your family needs an accommodation, whether in the winter or other seasons, please provide us with as much advanced notice as possible to allow our team the opportunity to consider and analyze the appropriate accommodations necessary, in conjunction with the safety considerations for our operations. Some accommodations may be handled that same day, but others may take a minimum of two weeks to address a particular accommodation. With as much advanced notice as possible, Loon Mountain Resort commits to working with our families and the disabled community to provide the best experience possible for the entire community.

New England Disabled Sports

We are a proud partner and host of New England Disabled Sports. More information about programs offered by NEDS can be found on their website Please contact NEDS directly to inquire about adaptive equipment and lessons at Loon Mountain.

Visit NEDS

Unmanned Aerial Drone Policy

Out of safety concerns for guests, employees, and resort property, Loon Mountain Resort prohibits the operation or use of unmanned aerial systems, or aerial drones, by the general public—including recreational users and hobbyists.

This prohibition includes drones for filming or videotaping, as well as any drone use by media or journalists operating above property owned and managed by Loon Mountain Resort. This prohibition on drone use extends to any drones launched or operated from Resort property, as well as drones launched from private property outside of the Resort boundaries.

Any violation of this policy may involve suspension of your skiing or snowboarding privileges, including the revocation of your season pass, as well as confiscation of any equipment. Violators will be liable for any damages, including but not limited to, physical or personal injuries, property damage, damages for violations of privacy, regulatory fines and legal fees.

Posted: February 6, 2015; Amended February 9, 2016

USDA Nondiscrimination Policy

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. 

To request a copy of the complaint form, call 866-632-9992. 

Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
Mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410
Fax: 202-690-7442; or

Dogs In Winter

It is Loon’s Policy that no dogs or service animals ride any aerial lift(s) including the Gondola. Animals riding aerial lifts pose unnecessary risk to the animal, the disabled skier or rider, and any other guests/participants should the animal jump or fall from the chairlift. In addition, should there be an emergency in which the evacuation of the lift becomes necessary, there are unnecessary risks associated with the evacuation of the animals. Loon’s Policy is not to allow any dogs or service animals to roam free or accompany any person down any of the trails or slopes as the animal may interfere with or collide with the disabled individual and/or other skiers/riders or guests when descending the trails or slopes (even if the animal is trained for voice control).

Dogs In Summer & Fall

It is Loon’s Policy to allow dogs that are on leashes and under the owner’s control to ride the Gondola with their owner. The dog must be leashed and well behaved. The animal can descend the mountain via the ski trails or open slopes. Dogs may NOT be on any mountain bike trails. The dog and its owner are allowed to ride the Gondola down the mountain to the base.

For more specific information regarding Service Animals please see Loon’s Service Animal Policy below.

Service Animals

Pursuant to the Americans with Disability Act (ADA), and federal regulations at 28 C.F.R. 36.301 et seq., it is Loon Mountain Recreation Corp, mountain policy that service animals (which as defined under the ADA can only be dogs or miniature horses) are not permitted on open chairlifts at the resort during the ski season, based on the legitimate safety requirements determined by Loon Mountain Recreation Corp regarding the safety of others guest and employees, as well as for the safety of the service animal itself. In addition, Loon Mountain Recreation Corp does not allow service animals to accompany a guest skiing, snowboarding, uphill travel activities, mountain biking, and snow tubing on mountain trails and ski runs, and all skiing and snowboarding terrain at Loon Mountain Recreation Corp, again based on the Loon Mountain Recreation Corp’s legitimate safety requirements concerning the safety of other guest, our employees, and the service animal itself. This policy of restricting service animals on chairlifts, gondolas, conveyors, and accompanying guests while using Loon Mountain Recreation Corp’s skiing terrain also applies equally to all other animals, including pets and emotional support animals.

Service animals are permitted on the Loon Mountain Recreation Corp Tram/Gondola when it is open to the public for summer operations. Guests with service animals who access the mountain via the Gondola will download back to the Loon Mountain Recreation Corp base area via the Gondola as well.

Loon Mountain Resort is committed to engaging our guests and families in an interactive process to determine if and how unique accessibility accommodations can be developed, depending on the individual needs of families and guests with disabilities. If you or your family needs an accommodation, whether in the winter or other seasons, please provide us with as much advanced notice as possible to allow our team the opportunity to consider and analyze the appropriate accommodations necessary, in conjunction with the safety considerations for our operations. Some accommodations may be handled that same day, but others may take a minimum of two weeks to address a particular accommodation. With as much advanced notice as possible, Loon Mountain Resort commits to working with our families and the disabled community to provide the best experience possible for the entire community.

New England Disabled Sports

We are a proud partner and host of New England Disabled Sports. More information about programs offered by NEDS can be found on their website Please contact NEDS directly to inquire about adaptive equipment and lessons at Loon Mountain.

This Policy is included within Loon Mountain Recreation Corp Winter Operations Plan by the U.S. Forest Service.

Snow Bike Use

Snow bikes are allowed on open terrain as long as they abide by the skier responsibility code. Snow bikes are allowed only on detachable chairlifts and surface lifts. They are not allowed on fixed-gripped chairs or the Gondola, except in the situations listed below.

While on the lift, the device must be secured to the chairlift itself, not the individual, and unsecured upon arrival at the unload. The passengers and equipment cannot exceed the capacity of the chair.

All requirements below must be met at all times for a snow bike or similar device to be used.

Snow Bike Policy

  • Equipment used will be designed for and fit for the intended purpose.
  • Attachments, pivots, connections must all be engineered solutions.
  • Chairlift restraint bar must be used when transporting snow bikes.
  • Rider must use a safety leash.
  • Snow bike must be able to securely stay on chair with no assistance from the rider.
  • Rider and snow bike must be able to go through lift lines without causing interruptions.
  • Snow bike must not be motorized for use with traditional ski/snowboard users.

Rider Responsibility

  • Rider must glide on and off the lift.
  • Rider must adhere to the NSAA responsibility code as outlined below.

Area Limitations

  • Load and Unload speeds should meet ANSI B77.1 standards for foot passengers when the rider is not wearing skis on their feet. Fixed-grip lifts will need to be slowed for loading and unloading snow bikes.
  • Loon Mountain limits access of all snow bikes to detachable lifts, excluding the White Mountain Express Gondola, and surface conveyors. The lifts that allow snow bikes are the Kancamagus 8, Seven Brothers Express Quad, Lincoln Express Quad, North Peak Express Quad and Sarsaparilla Conveyor. Sno-Go brand snow bikes as part of a Loon Sno-Go lesson are allowed on Kissin’ Cousins Double in the presence of a Loon instructor.
  • Guests using snow bikes through New England Disabled Sports are permitted to ride Kissin’ Cousins Double lift with prior notification to and with confirmation from the Loon’s Lift Operations Manager, the V.P. of Operations, or the Manager on Duty (MOD).
  • Snow bikes or similar devices must have metal edges.
  • Only one rider is allowed per snow bike or similar device.

A violation of this policy will result in your snow bike riding privileges being revoked with no refund issued.

Ski Patrol reserves the right to stop the activity that they deem dangerous to the customer or other customers. You must always obey their directions.

Snow Skate Use

Snow skates are permitted on open terrain, and operators must abide by the Skier Responsibility Code. Snow skate operators are considered foot traffic; therefore, snow skates are allowed only on the Gondola or surface lifts. Snow skates and their operators must meet the following criteria:

  • Snow skates must have metal edges.
  • Snow skates must be attached to the operator at all times.
  • Snow skates must be brought inside the Gondola cabin and are not allowed to be loaded in the ski racks on the Gondola cabin exterior.
  • Operator must wear a leash at all times.
  • Snow skates may be restricted in certain areas and lifts for safety concerns at any time.

There may be exceptions to this policy at any time. All exceptions must be reviewed and permitted by Loon Mountain Vice President of Operations or the Manager On Duty.

  1. The terrain at Loon Mountain is located partially on private land, and partially on White Mountain National Forest/US Forest Service (USFS) land. Loon Mountain Recreation Corporation operates on USFS land under a Ski Area Special Use Permit issued by USDA Forest Service.
  2. While recreating on these private and public lands, you must follow Loon Mountain rules and USFS restrictions and recommendations, including those summarized below. Violation of these rules may result in suspension of lift privileges or prosecution for a criminal offense.
  3. Use of lifts, trails and terrain at Loon Mountain during the operating season is granted to skiers and snowboarders with a valid lift ticket, season pass or uphill access ticket and with approved equipment that has appropriate and operational retention or braking devices.
  4. Skiing and snowboarding on closed trails, terrain or features is prohibited. Open/closed status is indicated on posted snow reports, snow report posted on and on the lighted lift/trail signs located at the base of the Gondola, Kancamagus 8 and the Lincoln Express Quad during operational hours.
  5. Sledding is not allowed on Loon Mountain at any time.
  6. NH law states that each person who participates in the sports of skiing, snowboarding, and snow tubing accepts as a matter of law, the dangers inherent in the sport, and to that extent may not maintain an action against the operator for any injuries which result from such inherent risks, dangers or hazards.' (NH Statute Title XIX, Chapter 225, Section A:24) Awareness, common sense, courtesy, respect for others and the natural environment will help you have a positive experience and may reduce your risk.

All forms of third-party commercial activity are prohibited on Boyne Resorts property without prior written authorization, including solicitation or provision of snow sport instruction, tours and guiding services, and other products and services offered for sale.

If you have further questions regarding these policies, Contact Us

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Uphill Access

Uphill access is limited to pass holders and an armband is required.

uphill skinner at Loon
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